
Posts Tagged ‘Romania’

The beginning of civilization in Romania

July 17, 2008 Leave a comment

Once I read that civilization actually means the availability of services. If so, I have to say that last week I was proud to live in Romania.
Everything started when a colleague saw some tiles on the building across that were hanging and almost falling. As a good citizen and concerned on the welfare of the others, he called the fire department to inform them and ask them what will be the best thing to do. Personally I thought that this is a last cause from the beginning. Almost right. The operator told him that the best thing will be to speak with the landlord. But what if the landlord doesn’t care? He knows about the problem, he avoid that part of the street. But the people walking on the street?
Maybe some of you are already thinking that this is already too much trouble and to simply let the things be. I must say that I don’t agree with you. And neither my colleagues. They called the police. And surprise. They came, they talk with the tenant and they called the fire department. Which, I don’t know by what miracle, they showed up.
They blocked the street and they cleaned the roof.

Fire department in action

Fire department in action

I realize that this doesn’t mean too much for you all in the western countries, that you see a cat in a tree, call the fire department and the kitty is saved. But for me, it was a thrill. To finally see that these kind of things can happen in Romania too. And maybe they’ll become normal some day soon.
Also I would like to see that the building landlord got a huge fine for this, he had to pay the entire hassle and he didn’t escape by just bribing someone. Then a real civilized democracy will start.

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Laser Combat in Romania

July 6, 2008 4 comments

The very first outdoor laser tag system is now available in my country, Romania from Lazer. Yuppie! Of course, I already tried it out and it’s fantastic. I can play for hours. Previously I tried paintball and indoor laser tag, but this is way better. Much more strategical. Compared to paintball, you don’t have the mask that gets foggy in 30 seconds, the precision and hit distance is much better, and you don’t die from the first hit, which definitely allows you to take more strategical decisions. Compared to indoor laser tag, you have much more space for maneuver, a more realistic approach and a healthier exercise in the nature.
I definitely encourage you to tried it out. The company also organizes team buildings and similar activities around laser combat.

And now for the Romanian readers:
Primul sistem de outdoor laser tag este acum si in Romania adus de Lazer. Bineinteles ca l-am incercat si e super. Inainte de asta am incercat paintball si indoor laser tag, dar asta e mult mai fain. Si mult mai strategic. Comparativ cu paintball nu ai masca care se abureste in maxim 30 de secunde, precizia si distanta sunt mult mai bune si nu mori la prima lovitura, ceea ce determina sa joci un pic mai strategic. Comparativ cu indoor laser tag, ai mai mult spatiu de manevra, jocul e mai realist si in plus faci si un pic de exercitiu in natura.
Trebuie neaparat sa incercati.Compania organizeaza team buildinguri si alte evenimente legate de laser combat.