Home > Technology > Mobile computers of the near(!?!) future

Mobile computers of the near(!?!) future

I think everybody dreamed of a small computer that will be able to integrate everything for your mobile needs: pda, mobile phone, gps, media center. So far minimizing all the subcomponents of a computer it wasn’t such a pretty hard job. Although there are a few areas where big progresses aren’t still made, such as display and input devices.  But some breakthroughs made me confident that in a few years I’ll have my dream computer in my shirt pocket and at an affordable price.

The most important technology to be mentioned is the Digismart  miniature projection from the Digislide  company. The fact that will be embedded in mobile phones and PDAs could be a hint of a low price too. A demo was already made and the company hopes to incorporate the technology into mobile devices by the end of the year.

Another device present on the market for some time is the Virtual Keyboard, a virtual keyboard. Still a little bit high priced, around $200, it represents a good hope for the future.

When it comes to memory things are looking even better. The equivalent of 400,000 CDs, or 60,000 DVDs, or 126 years of MPG music may be stored on a polymer memory  chip the size of a credit card.

And if you want to be totally in Sci-fi then you should definately check-out the 3D projector.

So there is big hope that in a few years I’ll get rid of all the cables and big boxes and I can install my brand new mobile computer directly from my wallet.

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